Jewish-Christian Relations: From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. A Source History (600-1800)
One of the major outcomes of JewsEast will be the three-volume reference work Jewish-Christian Relations: From the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. A Source History (600-1800). These publications will give a broad and detailed overview of sources on Jewish-Christian interaction in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean, and become an essential tool for the study of Judaism and Eastern Christianity and for research into cross-cultural engagement.
The volumes will be structured according to chronology, for the most important texts written about or against the religious ‘other’, and according to theme or source type, for texts which shed light on Jewish-Christian relations in an occasional way. The volumes will deal with legal texts, polemics, Biblical exegesis, myths of origin, oral traditions, letters and so on. A considerable amount of attention is paid to material culture, which is particularly important in Ethiopia and South India. There will be elaborate descriptions and images of sites and artifacts that shed light on the history of Jewish-Christian engagement.
Barbara Roggema and Alexandra Cuffel, in collaboration with the area editors of research team: Sophia Dege-Müller (Ethiopian Studies), Bar Kribus (Ethiopian Studies), Istvàn Perczel (Indian and Syriac Studies), Zara Pogossian (Armenian, Georgian and Byzantine Studies)
Date of publication